[ubuntu-art] Kith Intrepid

Ken Vermette vermette at gmail.com
Sat Jul 12 12:34:45 BST 2008

Alrighty. Maybe if you'd like we can try this the other way around, I've
just uploaded the Kith emerald theme (named "Didymous") onto the tubes, the
colour might be slightly off with the metacity theme, but if you want, give
it a try!

or the wiki...

On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 6:55 AM, Andrea Cimitan <andrea.cimitan at gmail.com>

> 2008/7/11 Ken Vermette <vermette at gmail.com>:
> > Andrea, could you pass the theme files my way so I could try them with my
> > theme files? All of this is amazing, and I'd like to start updating Kith
> > around the Murrine engine and get a really consistent look. This is all
> just
> > fantastic.
> >
> > -Ken
> It requires some changes in the engine in order to get the tabs
> --
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-Ken Vermette
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