[ubuntu-art] Is it possible to customize the backward/forward buttons in Murrine?

Brian Fleeger brianfleeger at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 9 23:43:08 BST 2008

From: Salane Ashcraft <salane89 at gmail.com>
>>>On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 1:04 AM, Brian Fleeger <brianfleeger at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>This is the problem. Too much talk and not enough action. Actually, at
>>>this point, all talk and next to no action. Would you please make a
>>>list of things that yo think the new theme should be, and post them
>>>under your own section in the art wiki under the official art team
>>wiki page? This would be very helpful and will help direct us.

>> Sure, but I thought I had been posting on the official wiki the whole time.
>> Can you send me a link to the page where you want me to post and then I will
>> get to it tomorrow.  Right now I am exhausted though and have to get to bed.

>I meant the coordinated, official art team wiki regarding a community
>wide- created theme.

Oh, yeah, that page.  Let me make up a draft and then I will then post it to the wiki ASAP.


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