[ubuntu-art] Droid Fonts

Conn subpsyke at eircom.net
Sat Jul 5 22:33:46 BST 2008

On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 10:04 PM, Klaus Bitto <klaus.bitto at gmail.com> wrote:

> Honestly, I don't understand why everyone loves small fonts. (Especially
> designers, as it seems.)

I'm no designer, I'm a user. This has nothing to do with aesthetics. If you
have a monitor that offers high resolutions, or you don't have a lot of
exposure to Windows, then you probably don't realize how much larger fonts
can seem in Ubuntu (and GNOME doesn't help, as there is a lot of padding in
most themes).

> When reading e.g. articles in firefox, the first I do is hit Ctrl+Num_Plus
> several times to increase all font sizes.
> I have good eyes, no glasses, but it's just much more comfortable to read
> larger fonts.

As far as I know, changing GNOME's default font sizes will only affect
Firefox's interface (dialogs, toolbars, options, etc) - websites won't be
affected. You probably need to reduce your screen's resolution or font DPI.

In daily work, when I need to reach for an application's menu, I don't want
> to concentrate too much, either.
> Therefore, using smaller fonts for the sake of saving some disk space might
> degrade the ubuntu user experience badly.

What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with conserving disk
space. We're talking about having a sane default font size to conserve
screen real-estate (very important if your monitor can't go beyond 1024x768,
which is not as rare as you may imagine, even in 2008).

I also noticed that fonts seem to become even more enlarged when using
"slight" hinting.
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