[ubuntu-art] Stop kickin' the dead horse - Create a full Union GTK theme.

Ken Vermette vermette at gmail.com
Sat Jan 5 04:20:52 GMT 2008

Probably not a good idea, in my opinion.

It would require an additional dialog/prompt during interrupting our
well-streamlined installation process, and possibly confuse some users. It
could additionally kill the ability to easily troubleshoot without needing
to ask how the user has their computer configured.

In terms of branding, Ubuntu would also lose it's brand awareness, and risk
potential suits for stealing another systems look & feel. Plus we would need
to maintain several themes at once, and risk needing to program new features
specifically for imitation...

Apologies, just not so hot on the idea.

-Ken Vermette

On Jan 4, 2008 10:24 PM, shadowh511 <shadow.h511 at gmail.com> wrote:

> You know what,
> lets not create an official theme and have the user choose a theme from
> a list when the account is created
> or have a dialog to ask which OS they used in the past and have it open
> themes to make it look like that os
> Hey, its an idea
> --
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