[ubuntu-art] Ubuntu Brainstorm title.

Denis Jacquerye moyogo at gmail.com
Fri Feb 29 09:14:35 GMT 2008

On 28/02/2008, Thorsten Wilms <t_w_ at freenet.de> wrote:
> The ubuntu part in my version is straight from the official logo.
>  Setting "ubuntu" in one those 2 fonts looks quite different. I think
>  it's bad to set ubuntu in a similar but still clearly distinct font.
>  Even worse would be combining the original with just brainstorm set in
>  one of the fonts. They are not compatible (that closely together).

The Ubuntu logo was made by the same person as the font Ubuntu Title,
Andy Fitzsimon, unless I'm mistaken. Only the 't' has been modified
between the two. Nothing prevents you from keeping the 't' as in the
original logo.

>  On top of that, I strongly dislike the m and r in "Title" and somewhat
>  dislike the r in "Titling".

Your 'r' and 'm' are better than in Ubuntu Title. But there's
something strange about the 'a', and the 's' is very distorted.

>  I'll gladly hand out the SVG to anyone who thinks he can improve my
>  letters but I remain against using one of the fonts here.

The problem is that if each Ubuntu artist start making new characters
to match the official Ubuntu title for every new project, we'll end up
with many typefaces. If there's something wrong with Ubuntu Title, why
not fix it there so every one can benefit from it?


Denis Moyogo Jacquerye

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