[ubuntu-art] Ubuntu Brainstorm title.

Thorsten Wilms t_w_ at freenet.de
Thu Feb 28 17:33:03 GMT 2008

On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 18:06 +0100, Denis Jacquerye wrote:

> The Ubuntu Brainstorm title could definitely be improved. The letters
> of the word "brainstorm" seems to be have ad hoc. Could it simply use
> the letters from the font Ubuntu Title, available in the package
> ttf-ubuntu-title, or from Ubuntu Titling. [
> http://betatype.com/node/36 ]
> I've attached a image with the current brainstorm logo, one with
> Ubuntu Title and one with Ubuntu Titling, in that order.

The ubuntu part in my version is straight from the official logo.
Setting "ubuntu" in one those 2 fonts looks quite different. I think
it's bad to set ubuntu in a similar but still clearly distinct font.
Even worse would be combining the original with just brainstorm set in
one of the fonts. They are not compatible (that closely together).

On top of that, I strongly dislike the m and r in "Title" and somewhat
dislike the r in "Titling".

I'll gladly hand out the SVG to anyone who thinks he can improve my
letters but I remain against using one of the fonts here.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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