[ubuntu-art] Some initial thoughts (Re: Intuitive application lister and other loopy discussions)

sylvain marc sam7.ubuntu at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 23:08:13 GMT 2008

Werry good proposition, i hope it will be done for the 8.04 LTS !

2008/2/10, Greg K Nicholson <greg at gkn.me.uk>:
> It seems to me that the system-tray-like area for applications to
> minimise to must:
> 1. Use small icons
> 2. Allow applications to:
> 2.1. define their own context menu
> 2.2. display a more detailed interface when left-clicked (a window, an
> overlay or a menu)
> 2.2.1. remove this more detailed interface when left-clicked again
> I suggest placing this area at the start (i.e. to the left in LTR
> locales) of the window list (the task bar). It should take up no space
> when empty and expand and contract to suit its contents.
> I'm proposing this particular location for the new area because the
> icons represent running programs, so it makes sense to keep them next to
> the list of open windows.
> Virtually every system tray icon should move there – anything that isn't
> providing a transient notification. So, if it appears when you log in,
> or when you start an application, it should be in this new area and not
> the system tray.
> --
> Greg K Nicholson
> --
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