[ubuntu-art] Wallpapers?

Webmaster, Jhnet.co.uk mail at jhnet.co.uk
Mon Feb 11 11:44:30 GMT 2008

SVGs would be preferable because it means that the graphic can be made
potentially in any range of graphics. On the other hand if you don't want
"the vector look" then you'll need to use a raster graphics package. You'll
likley find that you'll be asked for xcfs for GIMP so if you have any
experience with GIMP then it would be great to do it in that (and besides,
it makes a good display of open source tools!). On the other hand PSDs are
fine as GIMP can open them up but there are some compatibility issues (for
instance layer effects do not work).

Anyhow, to be honest for wall papers so long as we end up with a PNG at the
end of it to use as a wallpaper thats the important factor (for GUI designs
having a copy we can pull apart is much more important) so for the most part
it doesn't matter.

Looking forward to seeing what you make!


On 10/02/2008, Thomas L.Gjeseth <thomlie at online.no> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Just a quick question for you guys,
> Are there any rules regarding wallpapers, do they have to be svg's, or any
> particular minimum resolution requirements? I prefer working in Photoshop
> when it comes to *artistic graphics* rather than logos etc...
> - Thomas L.G
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