[ubuntu-art] hardy artwork

Sumit Chandra Agarwal sumit.chandra.agarwal at gmail.com
Sat Feb 2 16:52:12 GMT 2008

I think the strongest offering so far is this one:
All desktops, Mac, Vista, etc are trying to present 'clean modern' 
desktops, and have been for the last few years. In fact, the trend seems 
to be somewhat forward of that, going past modernist desktops to 
something more textured or detailed, but still clean.

I think this is a graphic that has the chance not only to 'catch up' 
visually with the other OS default desktops, but to even leap frog 
ahead. Its beautiful, hip, clean, and even thematic.


François Degrave wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> This mail attempts to clear up some issues in the art direction for Hardy 
>> Ubuntu. As already stated we will not be changing things radically. Here are 
>> some of the things I would like to see changed and some possible ideas for 
>> them.
>> 1) Wallpaper: Ideally dark and mysterious yet modern, clear and clean
>>     a) It should use the palette (in a previous post, email me if you missed 
>> it)
> Hi,
> For the wallpaper, you should check this one : 
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy/Alternate/Autumn_Reflections_Wallpaper?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=autumnreflectionsHD.jpg
> It looks really clean and modern, and it matches the palette.
> Cheers,
> fde

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