[ubuntu-art] wav instead of ogg - ATTN KEN (kwwii)

Troy James Sobotka troy.sobotka at gmail.com
Sat Feb 2 08:24:09 GMT 2008

Carlos Moreno wrote:
> If that's not the case in this list  (that is, if this list is intended
> for people to send files as attachments), please guys let me
> know, in which case I would be forced to unsubscribe from
> the list.

Ken - perhaps we should announce this as a rule for the list to abide by?

I have been under the impression that smaller attachments were
acceptable, but perhaps this view suffers from poor optics based on the
varying levels of connection.

I would forward a motion to ban all attachments from this list in the
interest of keeping _everyone_ able to participate in the discussions.
From this point onwards, no attachments would be considered acceptable
with a link to the threads when someone 'violates' the conduct.
Acceptable means of presenting work would then fall into the URL link
format to an external source.  This could also be coupled with a file
size / thumbnail warning etc.

Trying desperately to not be too 'political' about this, but I feel
losing list participants is far more detrimental than deterring attachments.



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