[ubuntu-art] Kin Dust

Ken Vermette vermette at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 16:53:31 BST 2008

Hey Everyone;

Heres live screenshots of Kin Dust. Right now I'm tweaking the panels and
doing any per-program fixes for programs like firefox and OpenOffice (which
disagree with dark menubars). Similar to all the Kith/Kin theme derivatives,
when buttons are moused-over they have an "under the window" glow that
blooms on the wireframe... Not shown in the pictures though; I need to
manually edit images to show what the glow looks like, and I'm lazy. But if
you've used Kith/Kin Emerald themes, you know the glow.


Things that are done include the firefox fix (but not a full theme),
emerald, modified Metacity theme (looks similar to the origional dust),
Avant navigator theme, Dark KithKin wallpaper, and the GTK (newest Murrine
version, panels still under work).

Things en route include customized cursors (similar to DMZ-Black), a true
firefox theme, more fixes (Openoffice, mainly), panel themes and KDE colour

Things down the road (provided I get some rubber on the road) will be custom
login and bootsplash images.

-Ken Vermette
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