[ubuntu-art] Brown rocks. Get over it and being default.

Marc Bruno Schroth d4ar_nexxx at freenet.de
Tue Aug 12 22:24:05 BST 2008

Am 12.08.2008, 23:18 Uhr, schrieb Ashton <cogneato at gmail.com>:

> On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 1:28 PM, Cory K. <coryisatm at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> Andreas Berger wrote:
>> > a lot of people will not like brown (as a matter of fact) and there  
>> will
>> be no way for them with a pixmap theme.
>> (this is not a personal attack. its an attack on the "this must be
>> default" mentality)
>> This is *only* if someone is trying for default Ubuntu. *WHO CARES* if
>> users can change the color?! Make your vision a reality. If it's
>> requires pixmaps, *AWESOME*! Don't let it stifle your creativity.
>> ***_MMA_ gets to work on a brown theme just to feed the ignorant trolls.
> I chuckle every time I see someone do something using brown that is  
> halfway
> decent, and then get replies like "I don't like brown but this is good."
> etc...
> All it takes is for someone to make something appealing using brown and  
> then
> lo and behold, people suddenly like it! Who knew? Maybe it has something  
> to
> do with design, choices, and proper use?
> Ashton

I love Ubuntu for its brown tones! It sounds stupid, but I for myself once  
picked Ubuntu also for its brown design. It was a small factor, but  
definitely a mentionable. The brown is a corporate identity for Ubuntu,  
everybody who is involved in Linux recongizes this. I think themes that  
want to be considered as the new standard should be following that style.


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