[ubuntu-art] Intuition gtk-theme
Dylan McCall
dylanmccall at gmail.com
Sat Aug 9 16:38:27 BST 2008
> Hello art community! I would like to post my "Intuition" gtk-theme:
> -it is based on the ubuntulooks engine
> -it fully supports custom colors
> -it has a normal and an inverted panel version
> -it contains a metacity theme as well as an emerald theme
> -i included a replacement thumbnail_frame.png
> the first two features should grant a certain degree of flexibility that in my opinion is in the idea of free software, users can easily change it.
> also my intention was to create a "modest" theme, letting me focus on the "content" rather than the gui. ah yes, about that "content": when i first used ubuntu one thing that irritated me were the thick borders around thumbnails in nautilus, to me they still look very oldish. the one i included is a simple shadow. what do you think?
> now a general question: what exactly should a theme for intrepid consist of?
> -gtk-engine / pixmap?
> a new/improved gtk-engine? (in my opinion the only real solution, pixmap themes are too unflexible and ubuntulooks is good but could be better)
> -emerald / metacity / both?
> ok, that was my first post, hope i made no serious mistakes, here is the link:
> http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Intuition?content=84386
> Andreas
Aha, perfect! That's a lot like how I have my own desktop.
I completely agree that windows should have title bars that try
valiantly to fit with what is below. Metacity talks to GTK (and uses
GTK) for a reason: Because this desktop environment uses GTK for window
contents. We get a better feeling of harmony when things blend together
cohesively -- the visual end of which is often spoiled by
attention-seeking Metacity themes.
Unlike my own desktop, I see you have added a window border. I have a
strange thing against window borders because I think it looks plain
prettier when window contents flow all the way to their edge (largely
thanks to drop shadows being there to divide them). You've done it quite
tastefully, though -- I was particularly stricken by your rounded
corners, which usually do not look that good, and of course that is only
doable with a border.
I like the little bit of shading you have on the menu bar. It is like
New Wave, but a bit simpler so we don't run the risk of disaster when a
GUI is done oddly. (Alas, theming GTK seems to involve a lot of
Well, nice work! :)
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