[ubuntu-art] Theme subteams

Hylke Bons h.bons at student.rug.nl
Wed Apr 30 20:13:35 BST 2008

Who wrote:
> This is the most important point on which our opinions differ: I think
> that, for now, we cannot expect to be able to predict what the
> 'default' theme must be - there ARE no guidelines and it seems that it
> is NOT the job of the artwork team to make these guidelines...  Please
> see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-art/2007-November/004280.html
> - this was the last comprehensive attempt I made to get guidelines for
> default theme design sorted. As you will see, Kwwii answered many of
> the questions, but they really need to be asked again each release.
> I would argue that we shouldn't guess what will work  as a default.
> Pre Ubuntu would _anyone_ have suggested making brown a default? Or
> orange? If the decision was down to this team, Edgy could have looked
> very different, Dapper too. It wasn't then, it isn't now, and until we
> prove we can do quality stuff and work within the Ubuntu system, it
> won't be.
Back to the 5 teams example. Let's say they would all go there own 
separate way each create something unique and "arty". They all deliver a 
beautiful theme but none of them seems usable enough to declare default. 
Although there are none/few guidelines for building a ubuntu theme, 
there are human interface guidelines to go with.
What I'm trying to say is, everyone has a different taste, and that's 
ok, but we shouldn't let people work on something that won't be at all 
usable yet pretty.
I think ubuntu already has a lot of alternative themes to choose from.

> One final thing on 'wasting time'. I strongly believe the releases in
> which this team has had most effort result in least results are the
> times we've been obsessed by making 'default' work, designing a new
> default theme, etc.  We *just don't know well enough what sabdfl
> likes, wants, and is thinking*. When Kwwii comes with a clear spec,
> clears plans, etc, (and I really don't want to suggest it is his fault
> we don't have these!)  then we can rally around them and do some great
> stuff for a default theme. Until then, we need to work be our own
> bosses, and make our own decisions. If WE make a theme, make it
> available ('sudo apt-get install rocking-theme-number-3') then we'll
> have done a lot of good work, and had a lot of fun.
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Blubuntu
Fun IS important!
I seriously think it would be a lot of fun if we'd all join forces on 
this one project, satisfying a lot of contributors that take the effort 
to sign up to the mailing list and make their wishes and ideas heard, 
rather than picking one out of 5 projects.

Coming to a default theme one way or the other, let's make sure we get 
the best of all themes where they fit, and leave stuff where others are 
lacking. :)


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