[ubuntu-art] STOP TOP POSTING!!!

Yann Dìnendal yanndinendal at universfantastiques.org
Wed Apr 30 13:39:13 BST 2008

On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Dalton Miyabara <dmiya at terra.com.br> wrote:

> OK, I´m bottom posting, but I would say that for me this is like "hell".
> First, because I don´t use Evolution, Thunderbird or
> Gmail. I only have webmail from my provider (Terra), and when I receive
> e-mails, it starts from the top, so every time I have to
> read something, like an answer from an old question, I have to scroll
> down.
> We should use the top posting to help people like me, that doesn't have
> any options to do bottom posting and reading unless
> scrolling down using the third mouse button or the scroll bar from the
> navigator.
> (Sorry for my poor english)
> Cheers,
> Dalton

But you don't have to quote the whole conversation... quote only the bit you
are replying to, and you will only have to scroll 5 lines or so...

Yann Dìnendal
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