[ubuntu-art] Intrepid (Animated Background)

Anton Kerezov ankere at gmail.com
Tue Apr 29 20:07:09 BST 2008

В 11:30 -0700 на 29.04.2008 (вт), shadowh511 написа:
>         Hello everyone,
>         Right now I'm testing the first link Dana proposed and I could
>         say It's
>         just brilliant. It works and the CPU is near zero % (it may
>         use the
>         GPU). The transition from the one to the other image goes
>         smoothly like
>         this img1:90%, img2:10% ; img1:80%, img2:20% and so on. Thus
>         when
>         transitioning from sunset to midnight the image goes from pure
>         gradient
>         to gradient with slowly appearing stars and then colors
>         changing. It's
>         beautiful. But there is one problem here - it is probably made
>         for
>         another time of the year and the sunset is "coming" when
>         outside is
>         light (I suppose we could fix this with proper time intervals
>         and a tool
>         that modifies the files each month or so).
>         Another interesting idea I had today is that we can change the
>         perspective of the  pictures and thus having smth like a
>         virtual walk in
>         the jungle for example :)
>         Anton
>         --
>         ubuntu-art mailing list
>         ubuntu-art at lists.ubuntu.com
>         https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art
> if you want a virtual walk though the jungle, you should use a video
> file for less choppyness
> -- 
> Ubuntu FTW!

Maybe you are right for some cases but what I imagined is really
different. You don't have to show 25 pictures in second to make a good
wallpaper slideshow. I meant smth like this : In the morning you are at,
lets say, Ubuntu forest and at midday you go outside in the field to
watch the zebras calmly eating grass and then at sunset you climb over
the top of a volcano and watch the sunpath in the sea and so on. Or
maybe just a small movement can be achieved such as rotating around a
tree. It all depends on the artist. So what we are "fighting" for is a
	1.1 Find a way to to easily add slideshow backgrounds from Appearance
-> Background. Maybe add new tab Animated Background. (this have to be
discussed with the developers)


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