[ubuntu-art] Intrepid Ibex (Wallpaper Slideshow)

Anton Kerezov ankere at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 18:34:03 BST 2008

Hello everyone.

Really nice work Dana. I think we are making progress now :) So let this
be our FIRST GOAL:

	1. We have to make an automatically changing desktop with natural
elements in mind (I think that the first link mostly represents this
idea). Propositions should be in .png file format and be available at
the highest reasonable resolution. The author must keep a copy of his
work in his computer. So that when requested for packaging it should be

I need to know if all of you agree on this first goal because if there
is one that don't we should discuss it again. I think we can integrate
weather forecast and geo-location data usage as well (proposed by Dana).
I wish I knew more about gnome-programming to do this myself :(

After we create acceptable "live" background we should go and pursue our

	2. Create aesthetically pleasing and eye-easy theme that clearly
represents the Ubuntu spirit.
Not perfect example for 2:

Any further discussions and and recommendations are always welcome :)

В 07:46 -0700 на 28.04.2008 (пн), Dana Goyette написа:
> Anton Kerezov wrote:
> > Hi Seth
> > 
> > I have put such a proposal on Ubuntu Brainstorm and had also proposed
> > the idea of semi transparent background an year ago but there was little
> > interest in it. I can work with you to make this happen and I'm sure it
> > will be the best improvement we can make towards an interface that feel
> > more human. So is there anyone else who would like to help?
> > 
> > Excuse my English.
> > 
> > Anton
> > 
> I've actually taken a look at that feature; after I first saw it in 
> Fedora 8 and 9 (beta at the time), I've been 'dying' to see the same 
> feature in Ubuntu.  It turns out that the XML slideshow wallpaper 
> feature from Fedora has been pushed upstream, so now it exists in Gnome 
> 2.22, and thus Ubuntu (Hardy); there just isn't any artwork using it. 
> However, this feature is static, in that it responds only to time 
> changes, and not to season or weather changes.
> If you search for 'slideshow' on gnome-look, you get a few results:
> http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Tree+Slideshow+Wallpaper+for+Fedora?content=74639
> http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/DebianBlue+(Animated+Slideshow)?content=75289
> http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Debian-Bling+(Animated+Slideshow)?content=75293 
> -- note: this one is more of an example of "what not to do!"
> Some of the wallpapers from vladstudio.com also work decently well with 
> these XML files.
> This feature can be very cool if done right, but it definitely needs 
> good artwork to go with it.
> I've also taken the time to 'hack together' a theme using the iGoogle 
> 'teahouse' theme's artwork; this at once shows how cool it can be, and 
> shows how odd things can look when objects move around in the images.
> I've attached the theme here; the XML currently has hardcoded paths, and 
> needs to be placed in /usr/share/backgrounds , so the XML file will be 
> /usr/share/backgrounds/teahouse/teahouse.xml .

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