[ubuntu-art] Where to get back human-clearlooks theme

Kenneth Wimer kwwii at ubuntu.com
Fri Apr 4 23:54:26 BST 2008

Actually, as the clearlooks engine is installed by default, I see no reason 
why we cannot add the Human theme gtkrc by default. I'll take care of this 


On Thursday 03 April 2008 18:55:23 chombee wrote:
> Until recently there was a theme called human-clearlooks in hardy that I
> was enjoying a lot. Now that it's been removed, is there somewhere we
> can download it from if we want to keep using it?
> I did a search and found two links to a theme called human-clearlooks,
> but this does not appear to be quite the same as the theme that was in
> hardy until recently. It looks different to me:
> http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Environment/Themes/Human-Clearlooks-
> http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Human-Clearlooks?content=67154&P

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