[ubuntu-art] New Theme / A great mockup

Martin Böhm martin.bohm at kubuntu.org
Mon Sep 3 16:25:37 BST 2007

An interesting mockup indeed!

I wonder whether GNOME allows for the theme to be implemented,
especially the different themes for each panel and such a nice
gradient for the top panel.

There's no need for an "art director", because there isn't really
anyone to direct. Instead, I would recommend the fans of the mockup to
try and create an alpha version, so that we all can test it and see
how it looks like in real GNOME. This way, I am sure you can gain more
contributors and supporters.

I really hope you can find the people to turn this mockup into reality!


2007/9/3, Julian Oliver <julian at selectparks.net>:
> ..on or around Sat, Sep 01, 2007 at 12:16:42AM +0200, Steph said:
> > It has also been said that this
> > mockup<http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=437694&highlight=mockup>
> this is the best mockup i have seen so far. i'm not a fan of the OS\X like
> dock at all, but the overall remaining approach is very good.
> the colour palette used has strong internal consistency, unlike the
> current desktop which is quite confused in that respect.
> perhaps the author could be contacted and brought on board as the art
> director for a proposed refurbishment of the default theme?
> julian
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