[ubuntu-art] Hardy GTK Theme

Günther Beyer contact at guentherbeyer.de
Wed Nov 7 08:37:48 GMT 2007

Troy and Mikkel are right. Although a dark interface is nice and maybe
fresh, but there are some problems with some applications and icons here
and there. I didn't thought about that. So much for the black theme.

Still I really love the mac-stile of interface design, I don't think we
should follow this path to far. Leopard feels somehow perfect concerning
these bright, aesthetic widgets with rounded corners. There is also KDE
4 coming, with a similar standard interface-stile.

I'm still missing that little piece of "outstanding" - the Ubuntulook.
The diagonal highlights are a good start, but like dark colour, they
might be problematic at some point. Any ideas for "outstanding", yet
somehow familiar? What about the orange and black colours?

Back to the storyboard. Thanks for your feedback.


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