[ubuntu-art] Hardy GTK Theme

Julian Oliver julian at selectparks.net
Tue Nov 6 13:04:09 GMT 2007

..on or around Tue, Nov 06, 2007 at 09:42:58AM +0000, Neil J Patel said:
> A friend pointed me to this thread, I'm the author of those mockups :-).


> I've never really had the time to work on this, life stuff keeps
> getting in the way, but if anyone does take it forward, I'd definitely
> like to help out, either by coding or designing more complete
> mock-ups.
> Two  things thats missing from these mockups is that, with the recent
> advances in Gtk with transparency, it'll be nice to have the theme
> manipulate the transparency of things like dialog & configuration
> windows (obviously it has no effect if in a non-composited
> environment). Secondly, I think that animations are quite important
> now, like while hovering over a button, it would pulse.

lovely, and perfectly doable too i'd imagine.

even your snap:


.. provides plenty of material to begin basing a truly new look for Hardy.

cheers and welcome,


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