[ubuntu-art] HumanFeistyList

Étienne Bersac bersace03 at laposte.net
Wed Mar 7 11:44:13 GMT 2007

Hi all,

As i promised earlier, here is a face selector enable version of current
gdm theme. Here are the modification i made :

      * Add a userlist.svg background
      * Crop the top of background.png
      * Modify Human.xml
              * Move and reduce logo
              * make field and label horizontally aligned
              * insert selector before password
      * modify .desktop

Note that my notebook is 16:10, i didn't reach to take a 4:3 screenshot
for the thumbnail. If one of you can do this, that would be nice. Just
fire gdmflexiserver --xnest and use the brand new gnome-screenshot
tools, grabbing a frame, excluding window border.

Please comment.

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