[ubuntu-art] 8.04 Theme
Thomas L.G
thomlie at online.no
Sun Dec 23 21:20:50 GMT 2007
Jayson Rowe skrev:
> Thanks for the reply!
> I agree, that this is so much about taste, as I find those themes you
> mention even flatter, duller and more boring than Darkilouche :-)
Haha. Well, what can I say, Anyways, the themes I mentioned were just
some I found in a hurry... The theme I currently use myself is this one:
(with green background image, and green colors in other places)
> This is more than an "I like this theme" kind of thing - this has to be a
> theme that can be appreciated by a HUGE number of people, and has to
> almost be "taste generic". I "like" the Leopard look and feel, but I don't
> want my Ubuntu install to look like Leopard, I want it to look like Ubuntu
> - If I wanted Leopard, I would buy a Mac...That's just me though - I see
> tons of people "themeing" their Linux install to look like a Mac, or to
> look like Vista, and I think that is fine, if that's what they want to do,
> I just don't think we should push that off as a default theme.
On this I completely agree. I really don't want my 'Buntu to look like a
Mac, first of all because, as mentioned earlier, I don't like the OSX
interface (it is VERY grey, and when it comes to usability I think old
'Buntu is a lot better. They've got the dock, but AWN can do the same
for Ubuntu. I don't think AWN should be included in Ubuntu though.
Including it in official reps would be fine tho).
> Look at what Fedora 8 did with their new default theme Nodkia or whatever
> it's called - it's different than the generic upstream themes, but not
> radical, and it gave Fedora a unique look from upstream for the first time
> since they replaced Bluecurve as the default in FC5.
Well, actually I don't think Red Hats GTK theme look very good...
However they've got some really neat artwork, not to mention blue in
general is easier to work with... If we could get some nice artwork for
wallpaper, login/boot screen for Ubuntu I would probably be more willing
to accept a less "decorated" GTK theme. So far it hasn't happened :)
> I personally think the default theme should be as Generic as possible
> while still looking nice. Look at how the Human theme improved upon the
> "old" human style from 5.10 and back. We should do the same thing with the
> "new" new human, and simply improve upon the old style. Ubuntu is an
> extremely popular distribution, and I dare say more popular than any that
> has come before it (as far as mainstream users are concerned) and Ubuntu
> already has a "look" and I don't think we should go radical.
Well you see, I'm not too fond of what we've got already, therefore I am
more radical when it comes to theming. Today, when I install Ubuntu on
some pc, I instantly look up gnome-look.org to find myself some decent
looking GTK and Metacity theme. I am a bit of fetishist when it comes to
all this you see, I love to work in an good-looking environment, which
still has good usability. I don't think we should go TOO far away from
what we have, but that's why we've got guidelines to follow, like the
brown/orange colors, organic style, etc.
> Again, everyone has ideas, and that's the great thing about open source -
> everyone can have a say, and everyone listens and respects what everyone
> else has to say.
> We just need to think responsibly and realistic, and keep collaborating
> and Ubuntu 8.04 will be the envy of all other Linux distros.
> ~jayson
Well yes, it all comes up to what we all agree upon. Everyone on this
list probably has their own thoughts and ideas on what makes a good user
interface, colors, styles etc. Some like it conservative, some like it
radical, some like it Vista-ish, some like it OSX-ish. Thorsten also has
a point, we need to make decisions as well. Decisions should be based
upon (more or less) agreement or consensus among the people involved, -
however making a decision also means someone will be unhappy with the
decision. Let's just make sure as few as possible will be unhappy...
- Thomas L.G
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