[ubuntu-art] Anyone Remember this idea?

Julian Oliver julian at selectparks.net
Fri Dec 21 21:38:11 GMT 2007

..on or around Fri, Dec 21, 2007 at 02:58:11PM -0600, xl cheese said:
> I thought is was a good use of brown.
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2620273#post2620273

yeah, i agree.

the mockups we've seen here recently are too rich and heavy for my tastes. 
this is far less intrusive, it 'backgrounds itself' so to speak, and
would as such allow window contents (the work people do) to step

it also has a strong sense of form without deferring to cheap gloss: that 
top panel shadow could also be faked just fine on a compiz incapable 

the bottom panel though looks well beyond the scope of GTK/Gnome of

the designer has talent, especially for overall colour weighting/balancing.
is/was he/she a list member?



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