[ubuntu-art] synaptic button icons

Toby Smithe toby.smithe at gmail.com
Wed Oct 11 18:45:06 BST 2006

On Wed, 2006-10-11 at 09:02 -0400, john wrote:
> I've noticed that the synaptic buttons are not very consistent.  The
> reload button is new and "cartoony" and the mark upgrades is older
> style. Search also seems to be "newer" however apply and properties are
> not. The new buttons are very good it is just that they don't go with
> the older ones.

I agree about about "Mark All Upgrades", but the others are Human enough
for me where I am (in Edgy). Also, it looks like your GTK theme isn't
working (deep black lines showing borders as opposed to light grey here
[ubuntulooks] gives it away). Your "Reload" button doesn't look Human to
me. What release and icon theme are you using?

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