[ubuntu-art] Last minute logo love leaves littler outlines

Mark Shuttleworth mark at canonical.com
Tue Oct 10 10:32:47 BST 2006

Who wrote:
> Here are some brighter ones (if I go any brighter then I will be less
> true to the colours of the logo...) with the text changed as
> suggested. I used 85% because 90% was undetectable - perhaps my
> monitor is funny?
OK, these are looking good.

Some more comments.

 * don't do the gloss as gradients. Some of the logos show the gloss on
the circle-of-friends as a radial highlight (circular glow) where you
really just want a single flat gloss with a crisp line.

 * the downward drop on the gloss line at the end was a bad idea - mea
culpa - thanks for trying it and showing it but lets go with either flat
to the end, or a slight uptick on the last u.

 * try to keep the gloss line flatter (and a fraction higher) on the ubuntu.

 * don't forget to gloss the head of the top-right person


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