[ubuntu-art] Consideration on Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Theme

Troy James Sobotka troy.sobotka at gmail.com
Fri Nov 24 07:54:57 GMT 2006

On Thu, 2006-11-23 at 17:36 +0100, Gianluca Sartori wrote:
> It seems that we have a palette here:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ubuntu-palette.png

If you look, you will quickly see that the palette on the wiki is _not_
adhered to in any respect.  In fact, it should be removed from the
official listing as it is simply _not_ the palette Ubuntu uses -- aside
from the three logo colors.  Unfortunate, but true.

> BTW, where can I find informations on who's doing what, the
> state-of-the-art and plans for the next release?

No one is doing anything for Feisty.  sabdfl has decided to utilize the
individual who designed the Dapper look for the keys (wallpaper, splash,
etc.)  I believe he intends to have the community offer submissions to
"fill in the blanks", subject to his arbitration.

Hope this helps,

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