[ubuntu-art] can't edit wiki

j Mak joz_mak at yahoo.ca
Wed May 31 05:15:55 BST 2006

Billy <Billy at cozyteapot.com> wrote:           https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTeam/DapperThemes?action=recall&rev=42
 This was the page that was moved and renamed to something out of the ordinary. I suspect that is why I can't edit it.
 I was trying to change Dapper-Drake to Outdoors and update the links.
 Can anyone else do it?
 I can edit any other normal page
 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperArtVoteResults -- 
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                                I like this theme. Elegant. I just wonder how it would look with a slider having the same or similar color like the togglebutton1.    
    J. Mak

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