[ubuntu-art] // External opinions on Ubuntu Art //

Julian Oliver julian at selectparks.net
Tue May 30 18:43:16 BST 2006

..on Tue, May 30, 2006 at 02:51:45PM +0100, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
> Julian Oliver wrote:
> > i lecture and give workshops at a few Design academies around the EU, 
> > but focus more on interactive art and game development using FOSS. 
> > if there was interest, i could talk it over with a department head and
> > plan a day-long class excercise. i think students would love it - both
> > play with and critique a whole new OS for a day.
> >   
> I think this group would very much appreciate that sort of analysis,
> especially if it could be folded into a single top down review of Human
> as part of the Edgy planning process.

ok great, i'll make it a priority to get in contact with a few design
schools i am involved with (or have contacts within) and let you all know how i get on.

if anyone else has any contacts within an academy in their area (even
via a friend) let us know about it in this thread. 

until then it may be good to start a "ubuntu art crit" wiki page and isolate
key areas we're interested in getting feedback on, while leaving room
for people's wider opinions to be voiced.



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