[ubuntu-art] LAUNCHPAD: ArtworkTeam

Ben Pygall ben_pygall at yahoo.co.uk
Mon May 29 22:06:18 BST 2006

   	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	<!-- 		@page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 	--> 	  This sounds like a good idea to me. IMHO there was a definite lack of direction regarding decisions which should be made much earlier in a development cycle. Bug problems and timing issues aside, decisions about artwork should be known to all developers in good time before a release. This would allow them to give their own applications a more cohesive look with the default theme. I believe this would allow the distribution as a whole to look more polished and professional.

I believe many of the problems encountered in the last few weeks could be solved by improved governance and the early adoption of a community discussed timetable. Yes there should be flexibility in the development processes, after all is it not the aim of the edgy release to experiment with new ideas? But this should not preclude from ensuring definitive decisions are made on a set time-scale.

All said I look forward to using and spreading the word of Dapper Ubuntu, this is a distribution to be proud of.

Bring on Edgy,


----- Original Message ----
From: Mark Shuttleworth <mark at canonical.com>
To: Viper550 <gthompson at cogeco.ca>
Cc: ubuntu art <ubuntu-art at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Monday, 29 May, 2006 9:31:45 PM
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-art] LAUNCHPAD: ArtworkTeam

      Viper550 wrote:        Yeah! Let's get this new, improved, and now mentioned show on the road!
  OK. During UDS-Paris in June we can draft up:
  - an art team governance plan (roles, responsibilities, appointments for Edgy)
  - a plan of record for Human, Tangerine and perhaps one other community-driven theme
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