[ubuntu-art] Website art request

Billy Billy at cozyteapot.com
Sun May 28 02:56:57 BST 2006

On Sun, 2006-05-28 at 00:20 +0100, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm just giving the website a bit of a face lift before the release. I'm 
> going to simplify the front page a bit, adding some images and direct 
> links. I've also updated the side menu a bit.
> On secondary pages like http://www.ubuntu.com/community I've added some 
> grey text to the top of the menu, but I will shortly also place an image 
> there.
> However, on the main page http://www.ubuntu.com/ where there will be 
> several images, I don't want to put an image in the menu itself. I've 
> put a faded Ubuntu logo there, but I'm not really happy with it. Can 
> anyone here improve on that?
> It needs to fit into that 190px wide tan region, and be between 50 and 
> 100 px tall. IMO it should be fairly subtle since we already have a 
> large logo in the top right corner. It doesn't even _have_ to be the 
> logo, just something that will look nice in that location.
> Thanks!
> - Henrik

I like your original thought of no image. Then make the font larger to
fill in space, or make the entire menu smaller.
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