[ubuntu-art] LAUNCHPAD: ArtworkTeam

Billy Billy at cozyteapot.com
Sun May 28 01:33:37 BST 2006

On Sat, 2006-05-27 at 15:36 -0700, Troy James Sobotka wrote:

> On Sat, 2006-27-05 at 14:20 -0700, Brian Burger wrote:
> > Having an art team entry in Launchpad is useful for bug reporting, if
> > nothing else. The wiki is far more flexible for displaying draft
> > artwork, brainstorming, and all the other stuff that goes on there. 
> Agree 100%. 
> Launchpad has specifications with deadlines and assignees as well.  It
> is a great management starting point.  Further still, the teams that are
> successful are all using it effectively.

Deadlines and assignees will not be useful for 5 months. Got any
examples of Teams using these features effectively that do not need the
features? The art team doesn't need bug reporting tools, for example.
Again, what features are useful for the ArtTeam?

> To use it effectively we need to have it working, with people being able
> to contribute to it on a completely regular basis, just like the wiki.

yes, well, at least lp would keep it all in one place. Problem is, that
place is too controlled for what an art team requires for 5 out of 6

> > I'm still wondering why we suddenly have two art team entries in LP
> > now, though. I haven't bothered joining the second new one - as Dennis
> > said, let's get the original entry sorted out instead...
> I started it up after doing some due diligence.  If it takes Mark
> Shuttleworth to come into a 'community' to request some action in a
> community, it is failing.

Agreed! No one stepped up to the the plate when Mark asked. Now everyone
is swinging at every pitch and striking out. Instead of calmly waiting
for a meeting to obtain agreed focus and structure, people are
implimenting, moving and renaming on their own under the same chaotic
structure that got the team where it is. Great to see some fire but lets
save it for the vision!
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