[ubuntu-art] dapper in wiki?

Billy Billy at cozyteapot.com
Sun May 28 01:12:19 BST 2006

On Sat, 2006-05-27 at 18:52 -0500, Billy wrote:

> On Sun, 2006-05-28 at 01:20 +0200, Étienne Bersac wrote: 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > That's the pain of wikis.
> > 
> > > It should be
> > > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/
> > > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake
> > > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake/ArtTeam/
> > > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake/ArtTeam/Content
> > > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake/ArtTeam/Content/DefaultUbuntu
> > 
> > I would propose 
> > 
> > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake/Artwork/Content/DefaultUbuntu
> > 
> > Étienne.
> > 
> ...and the diff is?
> ArtTeam<>ArtWork
> ????
> Oh why not, everything else is changing without any conversation. Lets
> confuse things even more and change that to. That way, anyone that
> goes looking for the ArtTeam won't find it :/

  * Artwork
  * Artwork/Evaluation
  * Artwork/Evaluation/EdgyPropositions
  * Artwork/Evaluation/Icons
  * Artwork/Evaluation/MetacityTheme
  * Artwork/Feedback
  * Artwork/GfxbootTheme
  * Artwork/Licensing
  * Artwork/Official
  * ArtworkTeam
  * ArtworkTeam/ArtworkWikiTemplate
  * ArtworkTeam/Content
  * ArtworkTeam/Content/AccessibilityIcons
  * ArtworkTeam/Content/DapperThemes OLD
  * ArtworkTeam/Content/DefaultUbuntu
  * ArtworkTeam/Content/IndustrialInspirate
  * ArtworkTeam/Content/OfficialTango
  * ArtworkTeam/Content/SandSkater
  * ArtworkTeam/Content/Sandbox
  * ArtworkTeam/Content/Silicon
  * ArtworkTeam/Content/TangerineIcons
  * ArtworkTeam/Content/ThemingTricks
  * ArtworkTeam/Content/Tools
  * ArtworkTeam/Content/WideThemeDraft
  * ArtworkTeam/Meetings
  * ArtworkTeam/Meetings/Agenda
  * ArtworkTeam/People
  * ArtworkTodoList

Shouldn't the Team should be inside ArtWork? If the goal is to organize
and lesson the paths....
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