[ubuntu-art] LAUNCHPAD: ArtworkTeam

Brian Burger blurdesign at gmail.com
Sat May 27 22:20:22 BST 2006

On 5/27/06, Billy <Billy at cozyteapot.com> wrote:
> It's also extremely slow. No one communicates through the wiki so I don't
> see what this will do for art. What features are useful? Mailing list is
> fine. Want more?..stick with  the wiki, or cancel the wiki and go launchpad
> or something. If the wiki still is not workable why spread out in ot other
> areas. Focus, focus, focus....one thing at a time. Then something might get
> done.

Having an art team entry in Launchpad is useful for bug reporting, if
nothing else. The wiki is far more flexible for displaying draft artwork,
brainstorming, and all the other stuff that goes on there.

I'm still wondering why we suddenly have two art team entries in LP now,
though. I haven't bothered joining the second new one - as Dennis said,
let's get the original entry sorted out instead...

LP has been very slow the last day or so, but it's not normally any slower
than any other big website.

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