[ubuntu-art] My idea for Edgy (warning, lots of ranting!)
Pascal Klein
4pascal at tpg.com.au
Fri May 26 14:25:21 BST 2006
On Fri, 2006-05-26 at 02:34 -0500, Billy wrote:
> Yes, and the idea that there should be just primary colors is why
> ubuntu art falls short of the mark. Do you have a second choice in
> Windows? Do you have second choice in mac? I've said it many times.
> Why not linux? Why not Ubuntu? People have repeatedly asked for it
> from Ubuntu's beginning and everytime this 'Human' branding thing is
> stated. Human/Ubuntu branding would not be lost by offering an
> alternative. It would howerver give people a choice and Ubuntu is
> Linux above and before everything else.
> http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/~bvc/theme/devel/Human-Metathemes.png
This is true. GNU/Linux and Ubuntu is about choice. You are not
compelled to use Human. Currently (running Dapper) I could 17 or so
themes in the main display of the themes dialoge. Is that not enough? If
the user really wants more sites like GNOME-look.org exist for that
On Fri, 2006-05-26 at 07:29 -0400, Viper550 wrote:
> Note, when it comes to changing themes for Edgy, we have no choice:
> Let's listen to what Mark Shuttleworth said:
> "The overarching theme of the first set of Ubuntu releases is
> "Humanity". This drives our choice of artwork as much as our selection
> of packages and decisions around the installer. Our default theme in the
> first four releases of Ubuntu is called "Human", and it emphasises warm,
> human colours - brown."
> First set of releases is Warty to Dapper, Edgy begins "the next cycle".
> "Our current plan is that the Dapper Drake (Ubuntu 6.06 if we hit our
> June 2006 release date goal) will be the last of this first "set" of
> releases. So post-Dapper we have the opportunity to define a new "feel"
> or overarching theme. It would be unlikely to be... blue. But it might
> be substantially different to the current Human theme. For the moment,
> let's stay focused on the road to Dapper, polish up the existing Human
> theme to the max for that, and then break new ground post-Dapper."
> There, what Mark said makes sense, you've been working VERY hard on
> Dapper's Human theme, even going through the trouble of making your own
> theme engine and FULL ICON SET! That's what I call polish to the max,
> this is the last stand for Human, kinda like the X-Men (yes, I just had
> to pull in a Pop-Culture reference). Human is going out with a bang, so
> we have to make the Supernova here!
> Viper550
> p.s. But if we suddenly change to continue with Human, we can turn the
> "5 Elements" thing into a new set of packaged custom themes for Edgy.
I think Michiel Sikma responded very well to this:
> It's nice to see that you're ready to start working on Edgy full
> time.
> I'm anxious to begin as well, and feel that there's a lot of work to be
> done for Edgy. I do also have plans concerning originality, like you,
> but I first and foremost believe that we should think of a way to
> document plans such as yours before we begin to criticize them.
> There are two phases in brainstorming. One in which you think things up,
> and one in which you criticize those ideas. Maybe we should, given the
> fact that Dapper isn't even released yet, hold back on responding to
> plans such as this one until we get ourselves organized. Before you know
> it, this will be a discussion on the mailing list and that will evolve
> into different art discussions.
Before we all slit off doing our own thing, however exiting it is, let
us get Dapper released, perhaps wait a week or so and have a meeting
about all this. Then we can sit down and work, rather than doing it now
in a disorganised fashion.
It is much better to know what each of us is interested in, doing and
what overall our goals are. Once we have this set out we can go about
creating some rocking work.
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