[ubuntu-art] Setting a Meeting Date

Who mailforwho at googlemail.com
Fri May 26 14:21:27 BST 2006

On 5/26/06, Michiel Sikma <omega at avalanchestudios.net> wrote:
> after we figure out what we want. That's why I would like this
> meeting to take place very soon, preferably this weekend. I think


Mark specifically asked for it to be post-Dapper, so I have two propositions:

****Ubuntu-Art Edgy Planning Meeting*****
*****SATURDAY 4th June 22:00 UTC******

which is also
Saturday, 3 June 2006, 17:00:00  CDT
Saturday, 3 June 2006, 15:00:00  PDT
Sunday, 4 June 2006, 08:00:00    EST
(see http://tinyurl.com/hlet5)


****Ubuntu-Art Edgy Planning Meeting*****
*****SATURDAY 10 June 2006 21:00 UTC******
Saturday, 10 June 2006, 21:00:00        GMT
Saturday, 10 June 2006, 16:00:00         CDT
Saturday, 10 June 2006, 14:00:00         PDT
Sunday, 11 June 2006, 07:00:00   EST

Agenda at

I have updated
so that each date has a list of who can/can't attend underneath it.
Please add your name

First things first - we need Mark:

>"Let's schedule the meeting for a post-Dapper-release day, before the
distro summit in >Paris (June 18-23). If you coordinate with cvd on
IRC she will make sure I can attend.

So, anyone know who cvd is? Anyone on IRC now who can confirm this
date with her?

I think this weekend would be ideal IF Mark feels he can make it
(Mark...?) - but because we had directino for doing it AFTER Dapper I
ahve suggested these dates. If someone feels strongly that this
weekend would be better then just add to the wiki...



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