[ubuntu-art] Bluman
mailforwho at googlemail.com
Fri May 26 09:51:09 BST 2006
> style "clearlooks-notebook"
> {
> bg[ACTIVE] = "#dddddd"
> }
Thanks for the help...
Bizzarelym if I wasn't going mad last night
bg[ACTIVE] = "#000000"
gives the _unfocussed_ tabs colour...
Could the fact that I am 'inheriting' clearlooks-default cuase the problems?
> Put this in the widget styles;
> class "GtkNotebook" style "clearlooks-notebook"
> The ability to alter the bg normal of clearlooks cairo and ubuntulooks is
> supposely being worked on.
> For the menuitem and square buttons you would have to modify the source and
> recompile.
> IMO, the base selected and active colors are too similar and the active
> should have dark text while the selected has white. Referring to textview. I
> also have never thought the cairos buttons looks good colored, especially on
> prelight. I think of it as....prelight, not predark.
hmm. I agree about the base colours, but I'm gonna stick with the
predark for now - it is one of the things I like about the theme.
Though, my scrollbars are prelight - and I like them too :P
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