[ubuntu-art] Meeting proposal

Pascal Klein 4pascal at tpg.com.au
Thu May 25 11:32:35 BST 2006

Hello art team,

With our organisational problems laid out to us by Mark and numerous
other people I think we should consider getting our act together to
identify those with leadership skills so that we, the art team can
direct our efforts and skills in a cooperative manner and some rocking
artwork done for edgy!

Edgy will be the release, where unless I am mistaken, the art team has
the chance to look after a lot more of the main artwork, so even more
reason to get together early and assign some common goals, dates, and
identify persons within the team with specific interests.

So, in order to get this happening, how does a meeting sound? I propose
the day of Sunday the 28th, May or Saturday the 3rd, June.

Times are open at this point because I am not very familiar with the
timezone issues and where the bulk of the team are situated in the
world. Do we have some common suggestions in regard to this?

Thank you,
Pascal Klein
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