[ubuntu-art] Xubuntu LOGO PROPOSAL please read!!!

mario anselmi marioans at yahoo.com
Thu May 25 08:15:17 BST 2006

Hi, im a Grapic designer from South America, Chile.
My english is not 100% good, so I will keep this
I am aware that the Xubuntu logo proposal design is
over, but I would like to send my proposal for the
logo if you guys are interested in the design.
My concept is that the 3 people in the logo are
HOLDING HANDS, this is because of what Xubuntu has
managed to achieve in comparison to the previous
versions; ubuntu, etc.
I hope you will consider my design.
I am sending the  .PSD raw files in a .rar archive so
u can take a look and submit it to the official webite
for general aproval of the "tribe".
If I recieve a feedback reply form you I will be glad
to send the Vector of the logo.

Mario Anselmi.

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