[ubuntu-art] Artwork vote results

Billy Billy at cozyteapot.com
Wed May 24 02:42:13 BST 2006

On Wed, 2006-05-24 at 02:03 +0100, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:

> Chuck Huber wrote:
> > Over and over again we were told the art team would have the opportunity
> > to put 5 themes into the release so I don't think you will find much
> > objection from this community if you pick the top 5 contenders with
> > Human Legacy on the side making for 6 total.  If for some reason 6
> > themes are not possible, the top 5 would be acceptable.
> >   
> 5 in total, if Human Legacy is a winner then it takes its place in the
> 5. Space is tithgt. Even 5 themes may be a stretch. That was the deal.
> Folks, look over the past six months of Dapper development. Look at
> the list archives. Look at the decision making process. As a community
> team, you need to get organised if you want to get results. This
> sudden spate of action right at the end can only be frustrating.
> I said very clearly that you, as a team, needed to come up with a
> decision on preferred themes on May 15. That was two weeks before
> release. It is now one week before release. I've been at DebConf and
> JavaOne - YOU need to make your decisions and act on them. So don't
> throw up too many issues now - this close to release - or the work
> will get dropped. We have a deadline to hit, and that deadline is more
> important than additional themes.
> It's all very well to say "the community must prevail" but then the
> community must do the work. And do it on schedule.
> I love the energy of this team but more than anything else what it
> needs is for you to choose a core group of leaders who can cover the
> bases - make decisions you will respect, and LEAD the organisation of
> all of your creative energy into a set of themes that rock. It's not
> that the group lacks talent - far from it - but it lacks focus.
> I would urge you to look at the doc team and the HUGE strides they
> have taken in the Dapper release. Why? Because leadership has emerged
> and given that team some structure and organisation. So their energy
> is focused on key areas that they all think are important. So instead
> of having a zillion pieces of fifty documents, they actually have a
> couple of seriouly good bits of documentation, well translated. A lot
> of that is thanks to matthew East, who I'm sure would be happy to work
> with whoever you pick as team leaders in order to help them "grok the
> community / ubuntu delivery process". You can do the same.
> Edgy stuff.
> Now, Daniel has volunteered his evening to package up your selected
> themes. We all owe him a huge vote of thanks for the time he has put
> into making the artwork HAPPEN in Dapper. For Edgy, I really want to
> see you guys pushing packages directly!
> Mark

Excuse me! I was quite focused a week ago contacting JoelM , telling
everyone launchpad was broken and setting up a forum thread to get the
voting done. I have the ability to set up an email address but I didn't
consider it as it did not need to be secret. Two other members also said
'hey! what's up with the voting?' We did all we could do! My emails
included you. You replied it would happen on launchpad. We lack not
focus and this sudden spate of action is at the hands of anyone but the
art-team!!! Issues were thrown up becasue the 5 deal wasn't kept. That's
not on us either!!!
A community is only as good as its leaders.

I came in late, and hate wiki's, but I agree there's not much
organization there.

Wanna see output of my harddrive showing my preparation for getting the
packaging done??? I owe no thanks to Daniel! This could have all been
done a 5 or 6 days ago if you had allowed the vote to take place where
it would have worked.

When you asked me to help with Human, I tried to join the mailing list.
There were 20+ people logged on to irc ubuntu-art continually. Two weeks
of problems getting on the mailing list and wham. Not a soul on irc
ubuntu-art. I don't know all the details, and they do not matter. Maybe
the sacred Human had something to do with that? Doesn't matter! Seems to
me that the team isn't the problem at all. Seems people don't want to
make a move without your concent, because everything they initiate is
shot down in flames, and they have no say it the things that really
matter. How can community prevail?

We work for free and have jobs which limits our potential. Mine is 11+ a
day. Sorry we couldn't get it done in 24 hours as a result of others
lack of focus!!!

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