[ubuntu-art] Xubuntu usplash

Viper550 gthompson at cogeco.ca
Mon May 22 21:43:27 BST 2006

Michiel Sikma wrote:
> I've been talking to janimo, the Xubuntu lead dev, in #ubuntu-devel, 
> and he asked me to post this here: I also made a Xubuntu usplash 
> screen in addition to the Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu ones, and he 
> thought that it was worth being voted for on the Xubuntu wiki. There 
> was already a proposition which was more or less final, but he feels 
> that the art team should decide which one should be used. The 
> Xubuntu-devel mailing list will also be notified of this.
> The wikipage can be found here: 
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperXubuntuUsplash
> Please vote for one of the splash screens so that it can finally be 
> packaged and finalized. These are the last few bits and things that 
> still need to be done. I hope you're all as excited about this launch 
> as I am...
> Greets, Michiel
Hold it one second or more, that first one looks in similar design to my 
Ubuntu Tangerine style. Did mine win?!?!

If it did............................................................< 
insert wahoo reaction here >


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