[ubuntu-art] Re: ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 11, Issue 54
Kenneth Wimer
ken at oxygen-icons.org
Mon May 22 17:11:32 BST 2006
Hi all,
On May 22, 2006, at 4:18 PM, Michiel Sikma wrote:
> Op 22-mei-2006, om 15:57 heeft ubuntu-art-request at lists.ubuntu.com
> het volgende geschreven:
>> We're reaching crisis mode on the usplash. Mark is ill today and has
>> asked me to drive this to a decision. If the team would like to
>> vote,
>> that needs to be done by UTC 0700 Tuesday I know that's a short
>> timeline, but we really need to get this settled.
> Okay, so that's: http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?
> month=5&day=23&year=2006&hour=07&min=0&sec=0&p1=0 in all of your
> time zones.
> How about the Edubuntu and Xubuntu splash screens (Kubuntu has
> already been packaged, one by kwwii)?
I made the kubuntu splash stuff (at the UISprint in London)...it was
my first "real" experience with ubuntu art and unfortunately I didn't
realize that there was a ubuntu art list and community (as I seemed
to be the only one working on KDE stuff it wasn't very obvious) nor
did I realize how strong the community is. Hats off to all the guys
and girls that keep this thing rolling, I am very impressed and hope
that I can integrate myself more into the community as time goes on.
> I've made an Edubuntu one and a Xubuntu one (the latter which I can
> fix up to have a correct palette without any trouble before that
> deadline). Are we to send propositions to that same e-mail address?
> Are there even any alternatives yet?
> Also, a note to people who have mock-ups on the wikipage, in case
> yours is selected, then you should have a palette-fixed one ready.
> There are still quite a bunch of mock-ups without fixed palette.
> Michiel
> --
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