[ubuntu-art] Re: ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 11, Issue 54

j Mak joz_mak at yahoo.ca
Mon May 22 16:12:36 BST 2006

Oliver Grawert <ogra at ubuntu.com> wrote: hi,
Am Montag, den 22.05.2006, 16:18 +0200 schrieb Michiel Sikma:
> How about the Edubuntu and Xubuntu splash screens (Kubuntu has  
> already been packaged, one by kwwii)? I've made an Edubuntu one and a  
> Xubuntu one (the latter which I can fix up to have a correct palette  
> without any trouble before that deadline). Are we to send  
> propositions to that same e-mail address? Are there even any  
> alternatives yet?
i'm very happy with the one you gave me (and personally would like to
keep it) for edubuntu last week and the edubuntu community seems to also
like it, but as i said before, edubuntu will go with a variant of whats
voted on as we are a derivative of ubuntu and a) want to show it b) want
consistency over all (official) derivatives afaik.

                                        The same with xubuntu. We already have one, but of course, it different style will be chosen we might consider that one for the sake of consistency. 
    J. Mak

Now you can have a huge leap forward in email: get the new Yahoo! Mail. 
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