[ubuntu-art] Re: Tango Icons for Firefox (Ubuntu)

Frank Schoep frank at ffnn.nl
Fri May 19 18:09:43 BST 2006

Hi Nico,

On Friday 19 May 2006 14:50, you wrote:
> The current version of the Tango Firefox theme already has some Tangerine
> icons built in, they just have to be activated. I can either modify the
> theme to use the Tangerine icons or create a new theme based on the current
> Tango theme...

I've been working on these themes for two weeks together with Ian Jackson. 
We've now got an automated build script that generates Human, Tangerine and 
Tango themes from any Ubuntu Dapper installation without user intervention.

At this moment, both our Tangerine and Tango theme look great and are based on 
the default Firefox theme extended with the most up-to-date GNOME icons. 
Human is missing some icons which haven't been provided by the artist yet.

I'm not sure about what the others want, but I think we don't necessarily need 
two Tango and Tangerine themes. Thanks to Ian we've now got both source and 
binary Debian packages of my work which can be readily included into Dapper 
so I think it would be easiest to use "our" version of the themes.

Could you send a comparison list of differences between your themes and the 
default Firefox one? You could exclude the icons as it's clear they are 
different. Have you made other modifications?

With kind regards,

Frank Schoep

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