[ubuntu-art] Re: ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 11, Issue 52

Michiel Sikma omega at avalanchestudios.net
Fri May 19 07:37:48 BST 2006

> Message: 6
> Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 18:17:01 -0700
> From: Troy James Sobotka <troy.sobotka at gmail.com>
> Subject: [ubuntu-art] DapperPropositionsClean
> To: Ubuntu Art <ubuntu-art at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID: <1148001421.12550.7.camel at 64bit.lan>
> Content-Type: text/plain
> Ok the cleaned up Wiki page has hit mark one.
> It has a slot for each image to place ArtTeam comments,
> so please contribute if you are on the art team.  I 
> relocated the comments that were applicable from the
> submissions page.  Hopefully this will assist the
> vital ArtTeam members in making their decisions.  It
> has it's own page to avoid clutter.
> It is here:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperPropositionsClean
> I have only bothered to put Ubuntu specific art on it, as
> the others are already available elsewhere.  Further,
> nothing without a black background has been included. 
> See the submissions information for more information at
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Usplash/DapperPropositions
> To save some time, it would be GREATLY appreciated if
> the various artists could visit the page and update
> their images regarding text colours, etc.
> I will handle the linking and zoom images, but it would
> be nice if you could add your own colours to the mock
> up thumbnails that I generated from your images.  Also, 
> if you have changes, please make sure that the grid
> references them.  Please do not adjust the formatting
> for clarity sake.  Further still -- If you are the
> artists with errors, please fix them and update
> accordingly.
> *  Link the index thumbs to the correct images.
> *  Have each artist update their text art color samples
>    and upload the attachment.  Simply copy from the index
>    grid and put your colour choices in (based on your
>    palettes.)
> *  Attach some zooms of the images so ArtTeam can see close
>    ups of the dithering for clarity.

Why make another page? The one we were just using was working fine. Now 
where do I put my "final" submissions? In the old page or in the new 
page (as it's apparently just for commentary)?

Please explain further what the new page's function is.

I also don't see why it only contains Ubuntu artwork. The Kubuntu, 
Xubuntu and Edubuntu usplashes also have yet to be built.


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