[ubuntu-art] Re: Screenshot!

Troy James Sobotka troy.sobotka at gmail.com
Wed May 17 23:12:49 BST 2006

On Wed, 2006-17-05 at 17:40 -0400, Viper550 wrote:

> Okay, here's how I "did it". I don't use Ubuntu anymore, and my Linux is 
> a REAL installation, so I had to get down and dirty with good ol' Gimp!
> 1. Take a Screenshot from OSDir of Flight 7's Usplash (You have to use 
> the Flight 7 shots because that build has the new aspect rules, shown 
> off by its VMware screenshot)
> 2. Take it into Gimp, and crop it down to only the BOTTOM half
> 3. Paste the bottom half into your Usplash artwork
> 4. Using a combination of the Paintbrush,  the Colormap, and the Select 
> By Color tool, paint in the correct colors in the correct spots based 
> off the guidelines on the Wiki.
> 5. Then, I placed next to "Configuring X", the word Failed in Red, using 
> the Bitstream Vera Sans font without anti-aliasing, and at a small size.
> See everyone? That's the way you do it!

Ahead of you.  I am going to comp in the sample text
into the official proposals.  As long as everyone
conforms to the palette and aspect, and gives me
a sample colour for each element (bar/barback/left
text/righttext/fail) I will do the rest.

Going to wait until later tonight before I attack
the project.

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