[ubuntu-art] pngtobogl SOLVED

Kenneth Wimer ken at oxygen-icons.org
Wed May 17 12:20:23 BST 2006

On May 17, 2006, at 3:48 AM, Troy James Sobotka wrote:

> Ok... for those of you frantically trying to make the
> best Ubuntu optimized usplash with Gimp, you will need
> to use imagemagick's convert function to avoid
> the pgn being stuck with an extra transparency color
> index.
> Save your palette optimized image into a bmp format.
> Use imagemagick's convert to vert the thing to a
> pure 16 color png.
> Example:
> convert myusplash.bmp myusplash.png
> Good luck.  Hope this helps.
> NOTE:  The palette will stick to the twiddled one
> you setup in Gimp which means Usplash will use all
> of your palette entries correctly.
> NOTE:  Looks like Gimp insists on sticking a 17th
> color into the mix when it saves pngs.  You can
> verify this with identify -verbose <FILENAME> if
> you don't believe me.  That _is_ with all settings
> for png saving set to OFF with a 16 color palette.

Sorry, I cannot verfiy this here. When I make a pic with 15 colors it  
is only 15 colors. Works for me :-)


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