[ubuntu-art] Suggestion: Orangify The Default Desktop

Lukas Sabota punkrockguy318 at comcast.net
Tue May 16 21:02:16 BST 2006

There are a few icons that are displayed on the default desktop.  I'll
list them here:
Log out
Show Desktop

My idea is to theme some of these icons orange.  Here is a suggestion
for each of these:
Applications - Already Orange
Mozilla Firefox - Use the Human Internet orange globe.
Evolution - Use an orange clock in the icon rather than a white one.
Volume Control - Would fit fine how it is.
Log out - Would fit fine how it is.
Show Desktop - Perhaps orange corners could be used instead of the
current blue ones.
Trash - The trashcan has just recently been changed orange :)  No more
battery!  This would fit fine.

What do other artists think of this idea?

God bless,

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