[ubuntu-art] Before we vote...

Billy Billy at cozyteapot.com
Tue May 16 13:05:00 BST 2006

On Tue, 2006-05-16 at 11:50 +0200, Michiel Sikma wrote:

> I'd like to bring something up again. Why are there so many smooth  
> engine skins in the proposed "internal" package? I feel as though we  
> only need one, anyway, so we might as well move one of the eye-candy  
> external skins to the internal skin proposal list. Ubuntulooks  
> Quicksilver, for example, which I think would be more useful to most  
> people than yet another smooth engine skin.
> Michiel

1. No one proposed much, but pixmap themes (very bad idea to have too

2. the current default is one clearlooks engine theme and the rest are
other light and fast engine themes so that those with older computers
have a choice? I asked about modernizing some of those engine themes and
no one said anything.

3. the intent is not to have 4 smooth engine themes but to give everyone
a choice of color schemes of one or 2 smooth engine themes.

4. I think there should be at least 2. One flat and Slider (new Glider).
After all, if Clearlooks had not come along, Smooth would be the new
default engine and Glider (Human Smooth engine?) would be the default.

5. Ubuntulooks is cairo and slow. Why do we need another 'enginelooks'
blue? Silicon is good though.
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