[ubuntu-art] Usplash debate

Michiel Sikma omega at avalanchestudios.net
Tue May 16 12:38:56 BST 2006

Op 16-mei-2006, om 12:41 heeft ubuntu-art-request at lists.ubuntu.com  
het volgende geschreven:

> Hi all
> I'm writing to try to focus the energy that everyone is putting into
> getting a great usplash image for Dapper.
> I really appreciate the effort and the care and the creativity of the
> proposals. At this stage in the release process there is absolutely no
> way we can change the code or protocols associated with usplash, which
> means this effort needs to be SOLELY focused on getting a great image.
> We have to live with the constraints of the current usplash
> implementation for Dapper, and can reinvent and improve the technology
> in Edgy.
> Remember, the usplash has to look great on old POWERPC devices as well
> as Sparc and old PC's with dodgy video cards. We took the decision  
> some
> time ago that working everywhere was more important than having high
> resolution and lots of colours.
> It's the mark of a great UI artist that (s)he can produce something  
> that
> looks super despite challenging device constraints. I'm asking all the
> people who are working to improve the usplash NOT to waste time trying
> to change the code at this point - we are in deep deep freeze.  
> Instead,
> to live within the constraints of usplash and propose images for  
> testing
> which look as good as possible.
> Mark

First of all, thanks for clarifying once and for all that the usplash  
code cannot be changed anymore. There's been a lot of confusion about  
that lately.

I'd like to ask you how the logo guidelines come into play in the  
making of a usplash screen. Are we supposed to stick with the  
currently used color scheme of brown for Ubuntu, blue for Kubuntu,  
and yellow for Edubuntu? Do you think that the usage of the Tangerine  
color undermines the typical Human brown color that seems to be less  
and less used lately? Or are artists allowed to create anything they  
like, as long as it's usable and looks good?

Also, is there a hard deadline for these splash screens?

Lastly, I've set up a wikipage for the usplash splash screen  
proposals. You can find it here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Usplash/ 

Please add your splash screens to this page so that we can have a  
good overview of the possibilities that may be considered. The last  
thing we want this late in the development cycle is confusion about  
where everybody's contributions are, I'd say.


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